
A hosted (as opposed to out of the box) application designed to process bookings in real time.



Why use Checkfront?

checkfront eway logo

Checkfront is a hosted (as opposed to out of the box) application designed to process bookings in real time. They specialise in tours, accommodation, rentals, events and things like that – things where customers are booking a timeslot, whether it be an hour, a week or a month.

Note: Checkfront are not designed as a generic shopping cart to sell static items, i.e. fashion products.

Checkfront operate in the Cloud – meaning you don’t have to install any software to install and maintain the application. They generally update the software every couple of months, and come up with additions to the service they offer you that you can extend to your clients.

It’s easy to use software, by an internationally used and recognised company. To be used in more than 50 countries is a significant feat, considering they were only established in 2010!

Checkfront offers a superior level of usability, cross-platform functionality and technical support. Their website is packed full of helpful information, and they’ve put lots of effort into creating a system that will run with minimal fuss.

  • With Checkfront, you can manage your bookings from anywhere with their mobile application
  • Checkfront provide thoughtful and extensive reporting on your bookings, availability and customers. These can be viewed in a whole bunch of different ways.
  • Checkfront is equipped with a host of Search Engine Optimisation tools to bring your site to the attention of your customers.

Checkfront installation guide

1. Contact Checkfront and they can enable the Rapid 3.1 add-on within their system

2. Once enabled enter your API Key and Password in the required fields and Save.

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