Why use 1eCommerce?
With free eCommerce software from Shopfitter you really can boost your business online. We have lots of customers who have done just that, achieving sales they never thought possible before. We provide a variety of ways to supercharge your online activities, starting with the options below.
Shopfitter gives you the tools to set up a secure e-commerce site. The software is FREE to download and the shop is built off-line so there are no initial costs – you only pay when you sell.
Shopfitter 4 has been conceived to create web shops that are search engine friendly. The web pages are all flat html, navigation links are all standard html and category, info and product page titles are all automatically generated to match the names of the page content and files – critical for SEO.
When you sign up for Shopfitter’s free software you will immediately gain access to our awesome features. Our website design products are handled using cascading stylesheets (CSS) meaning that less code and is therefore easier to use. Shopfitter will also automatically create category pages containing product listings and easy click payment options.
1eCommerce installation guide
Simply log into the secure Shopfitter admin account, visit the payment gateways page, select Eway and enter your account details. Save the changes and you’re set up.