
A hands-off booking solution that does the work for you.


Why use bookitLive?

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bookitlive is the ideal booking solution for single person operators to multinational corporations and every business size in between.

bookitlive opens new opportunities to increase booking efficiencies, retain and upsell existing customers attract new ones, run marketing campaigns and promotions and improve the overall customer experience. bookitlive is one of the most advanced online booking technologies available, it can improve understanding of customer behaviours, staffing requirements and resource allocation, help you become more efficient and generate more insightful customer data.

Reasons to use Bookitlive

Whether a business requires online bookings for session, class, course or events the bookitlive software provides the functionality to simply and securely manage online bookings & payments from end-to-end.

bookitlive can be used on any internet connected device PC Laptop, Smartphone of Tablet. Your business will be always on 24/7.

Key Features

  • Online bookings & payments
  • Sell packages and promotions deals, discounts, specials etc
  • Fully configurable
  • Advanced, customised reporting tools
  • Custom booking and client form templates
  • Dropbox Integration for storing client files
  • Custom branding options
  • Group & individual bookings
  • Event bookings
  • Great customer support

bookitlive installation guide

Eway is integrated into bookitlive


  1. Log in to bookitlive
  2. Select Settings > Payment Options
  3. Select eWAY from the payment gateway list
  4. Enter your eWAY API Key and API Password
  5. Select Save

We strongly recommend you make a test transaction to ensure your settings are configured correctly.


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